Hello lovelies!
It's definitely been a while since I've blogged, 8 months to be exact, but life has kind of been in the way and to be perfectly honest - blogging has just not been on my agenda.
However, I have quite a lot of time off this summer and I suddenly have the urge to blog again. I don't know how long it will last this time but we shall see.
So I thought I'd welcome myself back with a little update as I always do.
I haven't really blogged in 2016 so it feels like I have a lot to catch you up with but at the same time, nothing crazy has really happened.
I'm still living in Central London, I have a completely different job than the one I had at the beginning of the year, my job has its ups and downs, some of the ups being that I have made so many friends, I get to travel quite a lot around the UK (I'm staying in Leeds this weekend) and I get to work at some incredible venues!

What else has happened?
I recently got back from a trip to Lutry in Switzerland with some of my friends and it was the most beautiful place I've ever seen (expect a blog post soon!)
Earlier in the year I went up North to spend some time with my family including my grandparents which was so relaxing.
Other than that I feel like this year has just been a year of me exploring a little bit more, not so much in a travelling the world sense, but I feel a lot happier in myself as a person, I have great people around me, my anxiety is better than ever and I find myself doing things that I would never have dreamt of doing this time two years ago.
I'm going to try to get a lot of posts up over the next few weeks as I kinda just feel like writing and rambling, I don't know where it will go but I'm quite excited.
Stay tuned.